Hope for Tomorrow – Japan Benefit Album Update!

The follow post is from thewordisbond.com and is the final update for the Japan earthquake and tsunami benefit album. On behalf of everyone who participated on the album, we would like to thank everyone that donated. Bob42jh and thewordisbond.com will be picking the winners for the contests shortly. Again, we would like to thank all of you for your help, support, and most of all compassion.

From thewordisbond.com:


So it’s been roughly 4 weeks and we today this amazing effort towards japan, in total we had a little over 850 downloads generating a total of 7,400 dollars (before bandcamp & paypal commissions)

The album is now free to download, but we highly encourage anyone downloading it, to give as much as they possibly can to GlobalGiving or Red Cross to continue helping the cause.

In regards to the giveaway competition, Bob42jh will pick a winner for each category over the next few days and will get in touch with you, if you’ve won. We made sure to select people as randomly as possible, so everyone has a chance to win.

Once again on behalf of The Word Is Bond team and everyone involved, a MAJOR thank you to all blogs and readers that have been spreading the word on Hope For Tomorrow” through their respective networks and thank you for each and every donation, blog mention, comment, tweet and link share. We are truly overwhelmed by your support and dedication and we will continue working hard to deliver excellent content for you all for many years to come.”

•The Word Is Bond Team• 

~ by The 49ers on May 3, 2011.

One Response to “Hope for Tomorrow – Japan Benefit Album Update!”

  1. Once again homie….thank you ever so much for the support and contribution to the album.
    I really hope we can keep in touch for future projects and all round music goodness.

    Peace & Blessings


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